Following in the footsteps of the great mathematicians, we want to reduce the most complicated parts of our world down to fundamental laws which hold true in all cases. These fundamental laws explain how things are made and why. With this knowledge, we could theoretically reconstruct the building blocks in new ways which could uncover fascinating possibilities.
One of the most famous equations everyone knows comes from Albert Einstein and his Equation to explain Energy:
In just 4 letters Einstein explained a very complicated component of our world in such simple terms it was not complicated anymore. Remember, Einstein was part of the Manhattan Project and was critical to developing the atomic bomb by harnessing the energy trapped inside the atom.
Now we know we are no Einsteins but we are not trying to explain the world or its fundamental laws. In fact, we are just cleaning houses. This isn’t rocket science if you know what we mean.
Anyway, we have our own formula that we use to help a develop a new hire into a top-notch professional house cleaner. This formula also tells us when it is time to cut our losses and part ways. We must add that we did not invent this formula and it was taught to me when I was a young sales trainer by a veteran salesman named Sandy Oches from eastern Pittsburgh. He said it was taught to him in the military. Thanks for the wisdom Sandy, may you rest in peace.
Like Einstein’s formula, the equation is meaningless until we explain it.
A=ACHIEVEMENT – This is the goal of the equation.
TR=TRAINING – Did we show you the right thing to do.
S=Supervision – Did we watch you do it right.
These are the things we can most easily control so they are our first steps. TO summarize the equation up to this point:
Achievement =Training + Supervision
Now for the second half of our success equation. All our efforts to train and supervise can be undermined or divided by part 2.
PD= Personal Difficulty – Do they require accommodation?
UC=Unwilling to Change – Is the problem attitude, effort, work ethic?
So part 2 teaches us that our best efforts to make great house cleaners can be undermined by someone’s personal difficulties. Maybe the house cleaner has bad eyesight which is preventing her from seeing the dirt. Or is a house cleaner not doing the floors well because their back or knees hurt. Can we get them a Swiffer mop until they feel better? This is our last chance to save the maid. We sincerely want to uncover a problem beyond the maids control that may be preventing them from achieving success.
The final, straw is UC or Unwilling to Change. At this point, we are fed up and looking for confirmation it is primarily this person’s attitude holding them back. Once we confirm that yes the cause of the problem is attitude then we know it is time to part ways.
Achievement=Training+Supervision/Personal Difficulty+Unwilling Change
We must add that a house cleaner may commit an indiscretion so offensive that we abandon our formula and part ways immediately. Some examples of when this would happen would be signs of lapses in integrity, anger, drug or alcohol abuse or a number of other reasons that would make us not want to continue the relationship.
To Be The Best You; Gotta Fire The Rest
Although it is hard because you invest time, emotional energy and may have developed a personal relationship, you have to be willing to fire 75% of your new hires. This may sound crazy but we can’t tell who will clean well and love our job in the interview room. So we hire and get to know them and work with them and try to make the decision to fire as early and as often as possible.